
Saba Khan
Chief Executive Officer

Saba Khan is a charismatic, social justice leader and fundraising professional, with 30 years’ experience in the charity sector, in the UK and abroad. She also Founded ArtEase at Saba Khan Painting, and is Vice Chair to Mind in Croydon, and Creative Advisor to Voice of Freedom. 

Her commitment to a fair distribution of social and economic resources, has seen her champion many social justice causes over three decades, beginning a career in a domestic violence refuge for Asian women, moving on to race equity policy roles and leading programmes for asylum seekers and refugees in the UK and Europe. She has also headed communications and fundraising departments with specialisms in information accessibility and major gifts fundraising.

Saba is also an internationally exhibited and collected, contemporary visual artist. She makes vibrant, powerful oil and mixed media paintings and drawings.  Viewing the painting process as mirror to life, her works comment on the everyday choices ordinary people are forced to make, in a world that does not benefit the majority. She also explores unexpected surreal, random moments, people experience in their bodies, spaces, and sensual, emotional, social, geopolitical lives. Enjoy her canvas, paper, digital and ceramics, works.

“I enjoy the African adage “…every journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step”.
As the new CEO of SMEF, I am privileged to be taking this colourful journey with our communities and partners, during the next exciting phase of growth.

We all see the world differently. Embracing, diversity, equity, inclusion, and an overall sense of belonging changes experiences and perceptions of the world around us. I’m proud to be leading this charity, excelling in diversity of thought, and providing inclusive services that strengthen resilience and change lives. My vision is, SMEF will deepen its powerful impact, as a catalyst for social and economic change, with creativity and innovation that is embedded in cultural voice, for more inspired, fulfilled, safer Surrey communities”.

Kawther Hashmi
Head of Project Management,
Faith and Communications

Kawther Hashmi, Head of Project Management, Faith and Communications has spearheaded initiatives aimed at promoting inclusivity, diversity, and equitable representation in Surrey for over 13 years with a particular focus on faith communities. Through strategic project management, effective communication strategies, and a deep respect for the diverse faith traditions within society, she strives to amplify our message of equity.

My vision for SMEF is to be catalyst for positive change; for Surrey to be a vibrant and inclusive community where diversity is celebrated, and every individual, regardless of their ethnic background, feels a sense of belonging and opportunity. I envisage a Surrey where minority ethnic communities are actively engaged in decision-making processes, systemic barriers to equality are dismantled, and diverse cultures are respected and interwoven into community life. Through partnership, communication, and advocacy, we strive to address challenges, promote inclusivity, and harness the strengths of faith traditions to foster dialogue and social cohesion. To create a Surrey that embraces diversity as a source of strength and unity, ensuring all residents have equal access to opportunities and are empowered to thrive.”

Hina Ashraf
Head of Project Management,
Community Health and Wellbeing

Hina Ashraf, Head of Project Management, Community Health and Wellbeing at SMEF, has over 19 years of extensive experience in community development, early intervention, and family support. Having worked with Family Support Services and Race Equality and Minority Achievement Services in five different Borough Councils and two charities, Hina is adept at managing projects to empower individuals and families to take active roles in shaping their lives and communities. Her leadership is defined by a commitment to fostering inclusive participation and enhancing community services to support and complement the aspirations of diverse populations.

Hina's vision for SMEF is to is to build a robust framework that not only addresses immediate health disparities faced by Surrey's ethnic minority communities but also fosters long-term well-being through sustainable, innovative, co-produced and community-driven initiatives. Her aim is to deepen the impact of health and well-being initiatives while ensuring support and services are culturally sensitive and strategically aligned with the needs of ethnic minority communities. Her work involves leading the development and delivery of health projects, engaging with ethnic minority communities to improve access to health services, and advocating for strategic health interventions that arise due to health inequalities and wider determinants of health. By fostering strong partnerships, Hina ensures that SMEF's initiatives promote equity and inclusion leading to substantial, positive outcomes in community health and integration, thereby enhancing SMEF’s reputation for excellence in project delivery and community engagement.

Manjit Kalsi
Head of Project Management
Membership and Capacity Building

Manjit Kalsi, Head of Project Management, Membership & Capacity Building joined SMEF in May 2022 and has excelled at every challenge set, always striving for excellence. With a background in Law, Manjit is passionate about advocating for the rights, responsibilities, and equity amongst ethnic minorities. Since joining SMEF Manjit has managed and worked on several projects, empowering, and enabling ethnic minority communities to build capacity, strength, and resilience.

“I envisage SMEF as a driving force in promoting positive changes, creating a Surrey that is dynamic and inclusive, where communities live in harmony, respecting and valuing difference and celebrating diversity. Through education, communication, partnerships, and engagement we promote inclusivity, and confront challenges. Our ultimate aim is to create a Surrey that values diversity as a catalyst for strength and togetherness, guaranteeing equal opportunities for all residents and empowering them to flourish. A Surrey where ethnic minority communities are actively involved in decision-making processes, overcoming barriers to equality with diverse cultures enhancing community life.”