Coffee, Cake and Chats

Woking People of Faith organised an interfaith coffee for women, supported by our Many Hands’ group in Woking. 15 women from different faiths including Baha’i, Christian, Jewish and Muslim, gathered for a social, and enjoyed some delicious cake and coffee at the Woking Hospice café.

Some comments from attendees:

 ‘I really value the opportunity to be able to meet and speak to women of other faiths, we don’t often get the chance to speak so openly with people of other faiths.’

 ‘I took part in the interfaith buddy scheme that Kawther organised last year and I am still in contact with my buddy, we have got to know each other better and have become good friends and that is why I came today, to make friends with people who have different beliefs to mine.’

‘I found we have so much in common, in life generally but also, we have very similar beliefs and practises.’

Woking People of Faith have been organising interfaith coffee events for women for several years, and they continued virtually during the pandemic. This was the first in-person interfaith coffee since the lockdowns lifted, and more are being planned for 2023. 


Pathways to Change


Commendation for our Chair, Neelam Devesher