Environment – churches, Christian organisations and campaigns (ctbi.org.uk)

A list of churches and Christian organisations involved in environment and climate change issues.

A Rocha UK – Caring for God’s Earth

A Rocha is a Christian conservation organisation. It is involved in scientific research, environmental education and community-based conservation projects. In Jan 2016 it launched Eco Church in partnership with Christian Aid, the Church of England, the Methodist Church and Tearfund.

Homepage – Climate Stewards

A Christian carbon offsetting charity that invites individuals, churches, charities and businesses to ‘reduce what you can and offset what you can’t’.

Eco Church – An A Rocha UK Project

Eco Church provides resources for churches to do an environmental audit (church check-up) and to encourage appropriate action. There is an award scheme designed to affirm good practice in environmental stewardship

Green Christian – Ordinary Christians, extraordinary times

Green Christian provides information on ecology and the environment for Christians and churches, and offers Christian insights to the Green movement.  It has a range of resources including Green Christian magazine, a Carbon Reduction Course (ecocell) and material around LOAF – Locally produced, Organically grown, Animal friendly and Fairly traded food.

The John Ray Initiative – connecting Environment, Science and Christianity (jri.org.uk)

The John Ray Initiative (JRI) is an educational charity with ‘a vision to bring together scientific and Christian understandings of the environment in a way that can be widely communicated and lead to effective action’.

Operation Noah | A Christian response to climate change

Its current campaign Bright Now aims to persuade churches to disinvest from fossil fuel companies.

Christian Climate Action – Direct action, public witness for the climate

‘A community of Christians supporting each other to take meaningful action in the face of imminent and catastrophic anthropogenic climate change.’

Young Christian Climate Network (YCCN)

An action-focused community of Christians in the UK aged 18-30, committed to following Jesus in the pursuit of climate justice, which launched in August 2020.

Home – The Ecological Conversion Group (theecg.org)

The Ecological Conversion Group is a small group of Catholic volunteers responding to Pope Francis’s encyclical “Laudato Si” in which he calls for us to become Ecologically Converted.